A blogging apology from a busy girl…

Listening now…



Hey guys! Long time…no talk.


I wanted to say I am sorry about that.


You know when you go awhile without doing something and then it gets harder and harder as time goes on to sit down and do it? That’s kind of how blogging has been for me lately… but mostly because of school.


If you read my starting over post, you know I am going back to school to pursue a career as a Veterinary Technician. Right now, I am taking a 7 week online medical terminology class, which is kicking my butt. I am studying every day and blogging is just not in the cards right now.


I work 40 hours a week, try to still manage to go to the gym at least twice a week and/or do some sort of physical activity, whether it be running at the park with my dog or going swimming- and by the time I get home, I have some tea and buckle down and study.


I have been meaning to master the art of studying on the treadmill or the elliptical like some other gym go-ers I have seen, but I haven’t tried that one yet!

I just wanted to let you all know that my blog means a lot to me and I will be blogging when and how often I can right now… once my course is over, my regular blogging schedule should pick back up! I have many posts planned in my mind…. but right now my mind is jumbled with Veterinary medical terminology.  ; )




And also blog!