March triumphs; April goals

Listening now…


SO excited for The Lumineers new album coming out.

My one regret is not seeing them at Mountain Jam a few years ago….



Happy April!


I’m a few days late on this but mainly because I was really sick this week with a bad cold and on top of that had to study for a test- which I aced with a 90 by the way!   champagne.png


I love to start out a new month thinking positively about what I have achieved that month and what I’d like to achieve in this fresh and new one.



March was a good month! I feel like I blinked and it was gone. Here are some things I am especially proud of…


March Triumphs:


champagne  Keeping up with my gym goal [that I made for the new year- who says all resolutions aren’t kept?!]  


I have increased to going twice a week which has been huge for me in helping my anxiety, too! I am also finally starting to see results and getting stronger. I enjoy putting my headphones in and zoning out for the time that I am there. If you find the right music too, it can really get you going! For me right now, it has been mainly old school Eminem, 50 cent, and Paramore’s Riot album [the best.]


champagne I am doing really well in my Introduction to Veterinary Technology class. Currently have an 88!   [Starting over post]


I was a little worried about how I would do juggling school, full time work, blogging, the gym, relationships, life, etc. But I am extremely proud of myself that I have done well so far- it’s only one class, but we have tests and homework- which has been an adjustment for me because I was a sociology major in college and we hardly ever had tests- it was always papers.

Now that I have kind of gotten my studying style down a little better and know how my teacher tests, things are looking up. It also makes me think that maybe I am capable of going all the way and getting my Vet Tech degree.


champagne  Speaking of school, I have already registered for my next class. 


This summer I will be taking an online Medical Terminology class. Well actually, it starts in May, a few weeks after my intro final.

I suspect a lot of studying by the lake will commence…

But I am excited because I’m getting into the actual veterinary medical information now- whereas the introduction class is mainly covering topics like OSHA, human resources, euthanasia and grief, things like that.


champagne I finished Downton Abbey. 


Okay, not sure if this is a triumph or more….a reason to cry.

But nonetheless, I have been watching this show for months. My mom even put her watching on hold so I could catch up with her and my Shameless watching has been put on hold too- so now I can continue with that, yay!

But I am going to sincerely miss Violet’s witty banter[one of my fave characters], Edith and Mary’s hatred for each other, the handsome Downton men, and the stunning fashion of the era. Among many other things…. sigh.

Moment of silence for Downton.



champagne  Blogging Triumphs.

This month I reached 125 followers via email, 120 WordPress followers, 200 Facebook likes and 125 Instagram followers. 


The followers mean more to me than the social media likes, and I know numbers aren’t everything, but I have noticed my followers increasing even if my daily views are not fantastic. That means a lot to me in the blogging world because you can have a daily viewer who won’t come back, but a follower means they are here to stay! [Hopefully 🙂 ]

This may be a tiny win in the blogger world, but meaningful to me.

Can’t wait to see what April brings….




I couldn’t be happier that we have reached April, even though in upstate NY currently we are experiencing a little winter for the next few days. [We are forecasted snow tonight….can we not. ]


umbrella.pngFinish out my class with a bang.  


I have my final in May- so much of April is going to be wrapping up and finishing up the last homework assignments and tests.


umbrellaReach 200 blog followers, 250 Facebook likes, and 150 Instagram followers. 


I also need to generally increase my blog outreach efforts as well to achieve this one- time for some linky parties and the like. Any suggestions?!


umbrellaStart volunteering as the SPCA. 


I have my volunteer orientation next weekend!

I was technically a volunteer last year too, but for some reason never actually went… more effort will happen this year with that!


umbrella Save money.


This is always a goal but doesn’t necessarily happen…

I’ve become more serious thinking about it as of late, though. My mama is generous enough to put aside the rent money I give her every month into savings for me.

I think part of it is to get me out of the house, but I’m still glad she does it. Thanks ma! ; )




Do you have any March triumphs and April goals? I would love to hear about them! 






22 thoughts on “March triumphs; April goals

  1. Congrats on your triumphs!! I too enjoy zoning out at the gym! I think it’s amazing that you got a 90 on that text despite being sick! Keep up the good work!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That is so fantastic and smart of your mom. Teaching how to prioritize your finances and organize paying bills on time while allowing you to build your savings. 🙂


  3. I love monthly goals posts! They are always so inspiring.. You completely slayed your March goals! Congratulations on the followers growth in all social media platforms- it’s always good to know people are interested in what you have to say 🙂 Hope you are feeling better now! Have a great month and I hope you reach all your goals!

    Monika |


  4. Yay!!! Congratulations on your March triumphs!!! I lost 7.6 pounds in March, down a total of 67.6 pounds (and counting) since April 2015! I celebrated a lot of NEW things as we SPRUNG forward! I shared them in my latest blog post. Celebrating along the way, definitely helps you to remain motivated on your journey. Kudos to you!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: April Favorites | thegoodthingscomin

  6. Pingback: A blogging apology from a busy girl… | thegoodthingscomin

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