November Gratitude: Year 2/ Week 3


This week I’m grateful for…


Overnight oats.


overnight oats


I’m definitely late to the party on this one but overnight oats are the most amazing thing ever. If you are not familiar, just look them up and you can find tons of recipes. I didn’t look up a recipe my first time making it, you can basically throw anything in there!

Once I experiment I will do a blog post about my favorite overnight oat recipes but this one was delicious: Oats, frozen blueberries, milk, apples, chia seeds, and vanilla extract.

I love the easiness of just leaving it in the fridge and then it’s all ready for the morning!

Remember my obsession with Chia pudding?  When you put chia seeds in with the oats and milk it has a chia pudding tasting vibe to it. Yum. 


Friday nights in with my love and my other love: food and beer. I am thankful for giving myself a break.



Oops….somehow this post became all about food. But that’s a lot about what Thanksgiving and gratitude is about, right?! Anyway…

There is a local grass fed beef burger and fries/ 50’s vibe burger joint that also has their own frozen custard and ice cream and it’s just heaven. I drive past it every day but I try not to go a lot because I might be 500 pounds.

Lately I have been being easier on myself about what I eat and giving myself more breaks from always eating healthy. Honestly when I go to even 1 spin class, I feel like I earned whatever I ate that week anyway lol.


Time for the holiday to spend with family.



I can’t wait for Thanksgiving and the festivities that come with it. This year it’s going to be different for our family because our grandparents will be there- they are normally in Florida for the holidays, but my papa is not well right now so they had to opt out of that trip this year. On the bright side, we get to see them for the holidays and make it extra special.



Weekends where you have the perfect balance between relaxation, getting stuff done, and seeing people.



I got a lot done this weekend that I needed to, yet still had time to relax and saw friends that I haven’t seen in awhile (and left my house- yay me!)

We went to a bar that happened to be having a “soul train dance off” night where I felt like I was transformed back into the 70’s looking around at everyone’s outfits (it was also hipster AF so I felt like I was overly staring) but it was really different.


What are you grateful for this week?





November gratitude: week 3

Listening now….

I am grateful for songs like this that bring tears to my eyes and have so much meaning of gratitude in them.

“I don’t care if the house is packed
Or the strings of light are broken
I don’t care if the gifts are wrapped
Or there’s nothing here to open
Love is not a toy, and no paper will conceal it
Love is simply joy that I’m home
I don’t care if the carpet’s stained we’ve got food upon our table
I don’t care if it’s gonna rain, our little room is warm and stable
Love is who we are, and no season can contain it
Love would never fall for that”


We usually don’t listen to Christmas music before Thanksgiving, but this year I caved!

Monday has come again and I  enjoyed a Sunday night snuggled up with a glass of wine and my computer on my lap to blog our 3rd week of November gratitude!I sat in the cozy living room with mama watching the Christmas lights around me twinkle and smelling the pine scented candles mom had lit. Tidings of comfort and joy… Puppies snoring behind me, too. I enjoyed every bit our last moment of peace and serenity before another busy week…


Week 3 gratitude:


angel I am grateful for the change of the seasons and the opportunity to embrace all that they have to offer. This weekend, that meant a holiday farmer’s market (in 65 degrees and sunny) and decorating for the holiday. 




I bought this…and one with curly fries on it!




angel I am grateful for food in my belly and a holiday to celebrate one of my favorite things, eating.

Just kidding, it’s about being thankful…

And eating.Lots of eating!



Pumpkin cheesecake, anyone?


These were so delicious…I may have already finished this entire packet.




angelI am grateful for the ability to express myself through my sense of style and through blogging.

And for a patient mama who can take pictures of me for my blog. Good thing she’s a blogger too so she gets it!

Here’s what I wore to the Holiday market! #OOTD

I am like a walking ad for H&M. The pants, shirt, and duster are all from there!

(Not planned)


I wanted these shoes all summer. I finally found them for $7 on sale at Target at the end of the season!


A not so typical 65 and sunny day in late November on the mountain top…

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Someone else wanted to pose too….


angelI am grateful for our first big snowfall, my cozy home, and family traditions for Christmas. 

(By the way- this was Saturday night into Sunday- right after our 65 and sunny day!)

We decorated on Saturday with the warm weather and felt lucky to wake up to snow and be able to enjoy our Christmas decorations with the snow falling outside.


snow 1.jpgbirdies.jpg


Guess who was helping!




With Thanksgiving upcoming, what are you grateful for?