November Gratitude: Year 2/ Week 4

Listening now…




I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and felt the thanks, love, and happiness while surrounded by your family.

We have our last week of November Gratitude and with it, Thanksgiving!


This week I’m grateful for…





I’m grateful for contributing my first dish to Thanksgiving….sweet potato casserole…yum!







Thankful that Christmas is coming!


Mom and I spent the day decorating the house for the holiday and listening to Christmas music 🙂




And the girls weren’t thrilled when we tried to get them involved….




Did you have a wonderful Thanksgiving?

6 thoughts on “November Gratitude: Year 2/ Week 4

  1. Your Thanksgiving looked wonderful! I hope everyone enjoyed your sweet potato casserole (it looked delicious!) Also, OMG your pups are absolutely adorable – I can’t wait to see more the li’l guys in upcoming posts – thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Awwww, your photos are incredible, and I love the love that pours through them all ❤ So sweet to see happy family pictures. Also your sweet potato casserole looks delicious! I think I may have screwed up the mashed potatoes this year. No one said anything, and thankfully there was more than enough food to go around, but you know…. I might have to bring something else next year. Ha!

    I can't with the dog pictures. SO CUTE! I really wanted to do a holiday photo shoot with Buster and Bryan but the boys aren't into it as much as I am. I even found a cute Christmas sweater for Buster that said "[poop emoji] happens." HA!

    XOXO and hope you're having a great weekend!!


  3. Pingback: November Gratitude ; Week 1 | thegoodthingscomin

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